100 Things About Me

  1. My parents planned to name me David but when I arrived with an important part missing they thought of Alexis. Thanks to my Uncle Jimmy suggesting it, they named me Stacy. Thank you Uncle Jimmy!
  2. I was born in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in December of 1969. You do the math!
  3. My middle name on my birth certificate is JoAnn but my passport and drivers license say JoAnne.
  4. I am a Sagittarius.
  5. I have one sibling – a younger brother named Teak.
  6. I’ve had 27 addresses in 8 states as of October 2019. SD, IA, MO, WI, MN, NY, IL, MI.
  7. I sleep on my side with two pillows at my head and one between my knees and feet.
  8. I find it EXTREMELY difficult to share really good chocolate with anyone, even with those I love. The BEST hot chocolate I’ve ever had is Aztec Original Hot Chocolate by MarieBelle. My second favorite is Abuelita, a Mexican hot chocolate with cinnamon.
  9. I am moody, over-sensitive, obsessive, controlling, selfish and stubborn.
  10. I am also kind, funny, resourceful, empathetic, practical, creative, loving, intelligent, conscientious and optimistic.
  11. I am NOT a morning person.
  12. It is easy for me to stay up half the night.
  13. I love to laugh.
  14. I have an inquisitive personality.
  15. My favorite book, author, song, artist, movie, TV show and actor/actress change often so making a list of them would be pointless on a website.
  16. I am OBSESSED with music and listen to it any chance I get. I own more than 325 CDs. There are more than 7500 songs on my iPhone. Plus I love video and audio podcasts. Check out my favorite, Never Not Funny.
  17. I love to fly. I used to be a flight attendant but am much happier sitting in a passenger seat, listening to my music and actually seeing the sites when I land somewhere.
  18. Even though I am only 5 foot tall, I wear a size 8 ½ shoe.
  19. I usually walk fast because my legs are shorter than most people I walk with and I have to move fast to keep up.
  20. I sang a solo called “Scarlet and Black” in my middle school’s production of “How the West Was Won.”
  21. I like the smell of gasoline.
  22. I love tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches on cold rainy days.
  23. I started playing clarinet in the 5th grade and stuck with it until I graduated from high school. I played a clarinet solo for State Contest my senior year. I played Fantasy Piece No. 1 from Robert Schumann’s Op. 73.
  24. I would like to write a book someday. I started a short story and made a lot of progress with it but after I put password protection on it I forgot the password and have never been able to get back to it.
  25. I first attempted to learn to drive a stick-shift in my mother’s Honda Civic. Dad told me he would never get in a car with me again as I was the only person he knew who could make a Honda HOP uphill!! Thank you Sue Geenan for having the patience and courage to share her car and instruction with me a few years later.
  26. I like to make people laugh.
  27. I beleive the toilet paper should roll off the top. When I am in a bathroom where it rolls off the bottom, I fix it. If I have fixed it at your home, you are welcome.
  28. In college, my dorm mates had a “Paper Plate Awards” ceremony. I won Best Eyes, Most Original, Most Hyper and Belch Queen.
  29. When I took driver’s education in high school, the teacher had to use the brake on his side of the car after I turned the wrong way on to a one way street.
  30. I once got detention in 7th grade because I left my science notebook in my desk when I left the classroom. When my mom found out that the teacher had me scrubbing mold out of the bottom of the science fridge because I left my notebook behind, she called the school. Let’s just say I didn’t finish the week of detention and the teacher barely spoke to me the rest of the year.
  31. I took four years of Spanish in high school.
  32. I truly enjoy playing board games.
  33. I am a Gadget Geek. I love learning about the latest technology and trying it for myself.
  34. Someday I would like to have a deep, claw-foot tub. The old fashioned kind that they just don’t make anymore.
  35. I’m terrible at bowling and once broke my thumb after getting it stuck in the hole.
  36. I love good food. I am willing to try ALMOST anything when it comes to eating. I am particularly fond of Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, Ethiopian and Lebanese.
  37. When I drink beer, I LOVE beer with green olives. Started with 3 olives per beer and moved to as many as I could fit in the glass before the beer would no longer fit.
  38. My beverage of choice is water. Can’t seem to get enough!!!.
  39. I built my first web site from scratch in December 2007. It has been completely redesigned since then. He was a wood worker and we showcased some of his best work.
  40. I like the feeling of the crisp air of autumn evenings.
  41. As a child I loved to direct my brother and friends in plays in my basement. We performed for our parents.
  42. My brother and I loved to build “forts” out of the couches when we were kids.
  43. I love to play in the rain on warm days. Watching storms is a true passion!
  44. I have always wanted to take piano lessons. Someday I hope to check that off of my Bucket List. You can see the loooooong list in another post here.
  45. I prefer to be barefoot because my feet suffer from claustrophobia. 😉
  46. I have an odd fascination with office supplies. I could spend hours in Office Max and not buy a thing.
  47. I was kicked out of college for being an “Academic and Disciplinary problem” when I was just 19.
  48. I’m drawn to people who are artistic, smart, creative, dynamic, and who have extensive vocabularies.
  49. One night in college, I set accidentally set my roommate’s bed on fire. Yes, she was sleeping in it at the time.
  50. If I could afford it, I would spend more of the year traveling the world than I would spend at home.
  51. I can sing along to nearly any song that comes on the radio. Of course, this does not mean that I have a good voice or that people enjoy listening to me sing.
  52. My favorite movie theater treat is buttery popcorn with M&M’s.
  53. I prefer to be continually challenged in a job rather than do the same old thing all the time.
  54. I am quite comfortable with public speaking even in large groups as long as I am familiar with the topic.
  55. I am not the quiet one in the elevator and can have a conversation with anyone.
  56. I have been in four earthquakes. One in while living South Dakota and three in Michigan. No, I am not kidding.
  57. I love playing with kids, watching them, talking to them and trying to see the world through their eyes.
  58. I am typically quite optimistic and find people who are typically pessimistic to be a challenge.
  59. I haven’t mastered using chopsticks yet. I lose my patience when I am trying to eat and not making progress.
  60. I may not have a lot of friends, but the ones I have are truly amazing friends for life. They mean the world to me.
  61. I can get very emotional when I give a gift, especially if it is hand-made.
  62. I can get very emotional when I get a gift, especially if it is hand-made.
  63. A lot of good things happen to me by chance. Good things seem to fall in my lap. I try not to take that for granted.
  64. I have met some truly amazing people through the Internet.
  65. I don’t like French fries unless they are right out of the fryer, lightly salted and not otherwise seasoned. They should be served with ice cold ketchup or dipped in a Frosty from Wendy’s.
  66. I am VERY uncomfortable when my feet feel dirty. Frequently I bring a wet washcloth to bed and wipe my feet clean just before I lay down to sleep.
  67. I have green eyes, although most people will tell you they are blue.
  68. I have two piercings in right ear and three in my left.
  69. I got my first tattoo on my left inner ankle. It is the Chinese symbol for the my dear friend Pete’s Chinese Zodiac Sign, the Pig. He has my rooster on his right inner ankle. We did this for my 40th birthday.
  70. I got my second tattoo when I went home to Iowa for my 25 year class reunion. It is a red heart with a black infinity symbol through it.
  71. Mom and I went together to get my third tattoo. We got matching hummingbirds on our left arms. My dad had a disease called Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. The brain changes seen on an MRI for PSP patients has a hummingbird shaped shadow. We did this to honor my dad.
  72. My favorite color is red.
  73. I had a dog named Cody, a Brittney Spaniel and Jack Russell Terrier mix I got from the Humane Society when he was just 10 weeks old. He lived to be more than 16 years old. He was a terrific pal who will always be missed.
  74. My favorite perfume is Tiramani by Shelley Kyle and favorite men’s cologne is Geoffrey Beene’s Grey Flannel.
  75. Except for the “doggy paddle” I cannot swim. I failed beginners swimming lessons in middle school 3 times.
  76. I loved to water ski when I was younger. Still do, but too out of shape to stay up very long!
  77. I once worked for an employer whose company handbook actually REQUIRED all employees wear clean underwear at work.
  78. I have been married to the same fabulous man since 2000.
  79. I have two sons. Wally is sweet, charming and quite entertaining. Liam is kind, —— and a problem solver.
  80. I never went to a summer camp when I was a kid. Or as an adult for that matter.
  81. I am oddly fascinated by King Henry VIII and his 6 wives.
  82. There are only two things I wanted to be when I grew up: a teacher and taller. Neither have happened. Yet.
  83. I have a lengthy Amazon wish list. I even have Amazon wish lists for people I love.
  84. I’m really interested in how people think.
  85. I like to make lists.
  86. I used to be afraid of change. Now I embrace it and encourage others with change. At least I try!
  87. Don’t know how to do a cartwheel, not for lack of trying.
  88. I love singing karaoke, but don’t get to do it very often. I would bet there are people in the world who are pleased that I don’t have the opportunity.
  89. I have been told I am quite resourceful.
  90. I attempted to find a 12 Step program for Tetris Addiction, but when I discovered there wasn’t one I decided the ONLY solution was to take the cartridge out of the game and drive over it with my car! It worked!!!
  91. I have written several poems.
  92. I love arts and crafts. I have a craft room/office full of projects to start and/or finish.
  93. I had a crush on John Denver when I was a kid and a life sized poster of him on my bedroom wall. I used to use my hairbrush to sing duets with him. We harmonized beautifully.
  94. My first live concert was Michael Jackson. (Wait, I can explain!!!)
  95. My first computer was a Vic20, then had a Plus 4 before getting a Commodore 64.
  96. When I was just 7 years old, I was in a television commercial for the store my parents owned in Sioux City, IA.
  97. Math isn’t my best skill.  If you owe me $5 and I owe you $10, give me the 5 and I will give you the 10. Don’t try to confuse me with the 5 in the middle.

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